Friday, October 04, 2013

Kindle Paperwhite

Disclaimer: This post will have nothing whatsoever to do with investments.

Recently got myself a Kindle Paperwhite with the help of a friend living in the US -

And with a few pre-selected titles in my head, plus the help of my colleague who pointed me to:

I then set about constructing my own reading list:
  1. American Gods (by Neil Gaiman) - read
  2. The Picture of Dorian Gray (by Oscar Wilde) - read
  3. The Great Gatsby by (F. Scott Fitzgerald) - read
  4.  The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (by Junot Diaz) - read
  5. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (by Mark Haddon) - read
  6. Ender's Game (by Orson Scott Card) - read
  7. Ender's Shadow (by Orson Scott Card) - read
  8. Neuromancer (by William Gibson) - read
  9. Snow Crash (by Neal Stephenson) - read
  10. Cloud Atlas (by David Mitchell) - read
  11. 1Q84 (by Haruki Murakami) - read
  12. Kafka on the Shore (by Haruki Murakami) - read
  13. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (by Douglas Adams) - read
  14. Life, the Universe and Everything (by Douglas Adams) - read
  15. So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish (by Douglas Adams) - read
  16. Mostly Harmless (by Douglas Adams) - read
  17. The Ocean at the End of the Lane (by Neil Gaiman) - read
  18. Stardust (by Neil Gaiman) - read
  19. Five Little Pigs (by Agatha Christie) - read
  20. Hercule Poirot's Christmas (by Agatha Christie) - read
  21. Go Set a Watchman (by Harper Lee) - read
  22. Watership Down (by Richard Adams) - read
  23. The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine (by Michael Lewis) - read
  24. Anansi Boys (by Neil Gaiman) - read
  25. Neverwhere (by Neil Gaiman) - read
  26. Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage (by Haruki Murakami) - currently reading 
    Welcome any views, cheers =)