WLM is abit screwed up right now.. here's a soln..
MSN solution
Eh here's a way to log in to MSN if you can't because of the technical fault.1. Go to C:
2. Go to Windows\system32\drivers\etc
3. You should see a file named "hosts"
4. Open it with notepad
5. Add these 2 lines right at the btm messenger.hotmail.com dp.msnmessenger.akadns.net
6. Save
7. You should be able to log in now
....The rationale behind this is.. hosts file in windows assigns addresses to servers. And the current msn server is down.. so we assign a temporary server to the addresses. Like faking msn to go to (a temp server by msn)when it requests for messenger.hotmail.com.. kinda like how a spyware hacks a web browser.. like you wanna go google.com but it directs u somewhere with a fake ip address if this hosts file is hacked. You get the point.
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