Sunday, January 03, 2016

Portfolio Review 4Q15

One transaction completed:
  1. Sembmarine
    • Buy
      High beta with decent yield amongst STI component stocks (cf. SIAS article)
      Record order book estimated at more than S$13b as of end December 2012
      Price driven down by recent bad news (i.e. Q3 profit decline on margin concerns and Jurong Shipyard accident)
    • Sell
      Prolonged pessimistic outlook for oil price

Currently holding on to 10 counters (see Portfolio Review 1Q10 for 1-3, Portfolio Review 2Q10 for 4, Portfolio Review 4Q10 for 5, Portfolio Review 1Q11 for 6, Portfolio Review 2Q13 for 7, Portfolio Review 4Q13 for 8, Portfolio Review 2Q14 for 9, and Portfolio Review 2Q15 for 10):
  1. FrasersCT
  2. PLife
  3. Starhill
  4. Cache
  5. First REIT
  6. Cambridge
  7. Croesus RTr
  8. CDL HTrust 
  9. OUE HTrust 
  10. FCL 3.65%b
Next portfolio review due after 31 March 2016.

Note to self: only simple P/L calculated

Thank goodness for dividends... again

2015 was again a year when dividends was the main support for my portfolio, as I slowly tend towards a largely hands-off approach in investing, instead relying on the quarterly and semi-annual streams of passive income.

In terms of base capital, my loss on Sembmarine (realised this year in 2015) dwarfs that for Sabana (realised in 2014) by far. Ouch, really painful lesson for me, talk about catching a falling knife indeed...

Here's to a better 2016 ! 

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